Conflicts can be present in all interpersonal relationships, within the family, institutions, businesses, associations, schools, etc. Renewing dialogue, allowing points of view to be compared, overcoming conflict and finding solutions acceptable to everyone: this is the role of the mediator. Mediation training aims to:

  • Apprehend and understand a conflict in all its dimensions
  • Acquire conflict management methods and techniques (communication and negotiation tools)
  • Develop a system for managing relational conflicts
2- Conflict prevention and resolution

Intercommunity Dialogues, which are a space for exchanges and discussions between various actors from different communities in the same country, aim to increase the prevention and resolution of socio-political and security conflicts, social cohesion, national reconciliation and peace. sustainable through the use of traditional conflict resolution tools within communities through the engagement of young girls and women.

Peace clubs are spaces for exchange and sharing of experiences on issues of peace and national reconciliation; Their mission is to make communities adhere to the process of conflict prevention and resolution and to make them aware of the need for the commitment of young girls and women to this process in accordance with United Nations resolution 1325 and the Maputo protocol. They will be set up in neighborhoods, schools, universities, traditional chiefdoms, youth or women’s associations.
