1 – United Nations by their mandate

Ms. Mary Lawlor, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders.

Created in 2000 by the Commission on Human Rights and recently extended in 2020 by the Human Rights Council in its decision 43/115 and resolution 43/16, the mandate on the situation of human rights defenders humans consists of:

  • Promote the effective implementation of the UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders by cooperating and engaging with governments and other relevant actors;
  • Study developments and issues relating to the right to promote and protect human rights and request, receive and respond to information regarding the situation of human rights defenders;
  • Recommend effective strategies to better protect human rights defenders;
  • Take gender issues into account and pay particular attention to women human rights defenders.
Mrs. Irene Khan; Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression.
 Created in 1993 by the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression has been renewed several times by the current Council of human rights. The last renewal dates from March 2020 through resolution 43/4.
This mandate consists of:
  1. Gather all relevant information regarding cases, wherever they may occur, of violations of the right to freedom of opinion and expression, discrimination, threats or acts of violence, harassment, persecution or intimidation targeting persons who seek to exercise or promote the right to freedom of opinion and expression, including, as a priority, information on violations suffered by journalists or other information professionals ;
  2. Request governments, non-governmental organizations and all other parties who may have knowledge of these cases to provide credible and trustworthy information;
  3. Make recommendations and propose ways to better ensure the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression in all its manifestations;
  4. Contribute to the provision of technical assistance or advisory services by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to better ensure the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression.

Ms. Gina Romero; United Nations Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of association.

 The importance of the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of association is recognized by the United Nations for the full realization of civil and political rights; but also economic, social and cultural rights.
This mandate consists of:
  • Gather and share information on global, regional and local trends and issues relating to freedom of peaceful assembly and association;
  • Make recommendations on how to promote and protect these rights;
  • Report violations of these rights, as well as acts of discrimination, threat or use of violence, harassment, persecution, intimidation or retaliation against people exercising these rights.

Mr. Morris Tidball-Binz; Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions.

Created in 1982 and renewed several times, notably in June 2023 through resolution 53/04 of the Human Rights Council, the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions consists of investigating all serious allegations of ‘executions or threats of extrajudicial, summary and arbitrary executions which are submitted to it and which are subject to entry in the register; whether committed by known people or not.

Mrs. Alice Jill Edwards; Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment and punishment.

In its resolution 1985/33, the Commission on Human Rights decided to appoint a special rapporteur to examine issues relating to torture. The mandate was extended for a period of three years by Human Rights Council resolution 52/7 in April 2023.

This mandate covers all countries, whether or not they have ratified the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.


It includes three main activities:

  • Send urgent appeals to States regarding persons who may be at risk of torture, as well as communications on acts of torture allegedly committed in the past;
  • Undertake fact-finding visits to countries; And
  • Submit annual reports on activities, mandate and working methods to the Human Rights Council and the General Assembly.

Unlike the complaint mechanisms of the human rights treaty bodies, the Special Rapporteur does not need domestic remedies to be exhausted in order to act. When the facts in question fall within the scope of several mandates established by the Commission, the Special Rapporteur may decide to approach other thematic mechanisms and rapporteurs with a view to sending joint communications or organizing joint missions.

Mrs. Fionnuala D. Ni Aolain; Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the fight against terrorism.
The Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the fight against terrorism is a United Nations mechanism whose aim is to offer support, technical assistance and expertise to States, organizations of the United Nations, civil society and other relevant stakeholders. Also, the Special Rapporteur must be able to adapt to developments in the fight against terrorism and anticipate long-term needs and strategies.
This mandate was created to:
  • Promote and ensure the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms by recommending the adoption of anti-terrorism legislation and policies that respect human rights;
  • Provide support, technical assistance and expertise to States, UN agencies, civil society and other relevant stakeholders; And
  • Be able to adapt to developments in the fight against terrorism and anticipate long-term needs and strategies.
2 – Other mechanisms